Friday, October 7, 2011

Inspiration Board #2

My board using my photograph "Kiawah Starfish 1"  in the center as my inspiration.
For details on each image, go to Pinterest and check out the board there. All sources are listed there.
After some playing around with Pinterest, I'm pretty sure I can't just download a mood board created to the blog. So, I got out Illustrator and made my own. It took a little while, but now I've got the method down for the future. I was so tired last week when I posted my Inspiration Board #2, that I did not even copy and paste to share with you ....hoping that most of you can get onto Pinterest or would.

I decided I'd remake the board and post it today for you to see what  comes into my head with one of my inspiration photos just in case you don't use Pinterest . Use it as a building block for yourself or to simply get the creative juices flowing. If you really look at it, you'll see what it is about each item on the board that made it appropriate based on the inspiration photo used. Enjoy!

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One of the highlights of each day is hearing from my readers!

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