Oops! There I go again. I hear a song in my head but seems like the song goes something along the lines of, "What a day, what a day, what a mighty good day!" ... and "good" is not the word I'd use here. Wait! There's another song hitting me... "Mamma said there'd be days like this..."!
Tired doesn't begin to describe how I feel right now. It's more like exhausted, emotionally drained, etc. The last week has been one of the hardest in my life as a parent. Big Boy decided it was time to end the blessed years of having three boys and no broken bones. While playing soccer with his brothers and dad, he feel backwards and landed on his wrist, breaking it slap in two! I was inside when they came tearing in, his eyes about to pop out of his head, holding his arm and screaming, "I think I just dislocated my wrist!" One look told me dislocated was not the word to use there either. More like BROKEN and positioned in a very unnatural - disturbing way!
Normally, I'm the cool headed one when someone gets hurt. I don't get queasy at the sight of blood or panic. I have always been grateful that I go into automatic mode, thinking quickly and moving fast. But, I think I have now found my tipping point. It's when my own child is in really intense pain. It makes me hurt in a way I can't explain. It must be the mother-child bond. There is nothing worse than seeing your child hurt and not being able to do a thing about it! And a broken bone is just minor thing, relatively speaking.
I think the face he's making says it all (that's ice laying on the top of the splint)! This was the day after. |
I digress. I grabbed my purse & shoes while Hubby took over with the other two and headed out the door with Big Boy in tow. That had to be the longest, most nerve wracking trip of my life! Try driving just four miles down a five lane highway with speed limits dropping from 50-45-35, passing THREE police officers and praying I wouldn't get pulled over, all the while trying to keep Big Boy from looking at his wrist or passing out! UGH! Then sit there praying they would simply give him something for pain or knock him out until they could at least get the wrist set. I held it together by a thread until they put him under to set it and he cryed out WHILE UNDER. At that point, I melted. I didn't get sick or pass out. The flood gates just opened and all the medical staff wondered if they were going to be taking care of me next:) I kept thinking, He promises not to put me through more than I can handle. Suck it up and get hold of yourself!
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (NIV) Isaiah 41:10
Fortunately, I pulled myself up by the bootstraps and got control almost as quick as I'd lost it. For a change, Hubby was the one the doctor was talking to (once he got there) as I just tried to maintain my composure. I stood there dumbfounded at my new-found lack of control and wondering what had just happened. The doctor just smiled when I commented on it, assuring me it was just because I was "too close to the fire". Big Boy was amazing through it all. He was in in
extreme pain, but handled it better that I could have ever imagined! I am so proud of him.
Striking a pose. Oh, yeah. He's cool with is neon orange cast! |
Does this picture really need a caption?! |
The past week and a half has been tough due to the hard to control pain, lack of sleep, jealousy from the other boys at how much time Mommy has had to spend with Big Boy and two of the three remaining grandmothers each experiencing sudden serious health crisis (another story I'll not burden you with), but I think we may be topping the hill. He woke up this morning without any pain for the first time. The cast went on Friday morning and tomorrow we go back for MORE x-rays to make sure it's healing correctly. I feel like the little engine that could as I keep saying to myself, "I can do this, I can do this". I've GOT to do this, because the hospital medical staff assured me with three boys... this would most likely NOT be my last broken bone! Oh, Dear Lord, if that is true, I'm going to need some supernatural strength from you in the years to come!
The really scary thing is that picture looks eerily familiar to some things I've seen my three doing on the driveway with a skateboard, scooter or bike! Excuse me. I think I'm going to be sick just thinking about it.