
Sunday, March 27, 2011

What's with the name?

For years I've wanted to have my own business, but the duties of being a student, then career-woman turned stay-at-home mommy and wife have somehow barely left enough time to sleep...much less even think about starting a business. So, I've patiently waited until the Lord decided to hopefully open that door. In the meantime, I've painted anything in my home that has stood still too long.

About six months ago, I finally felt ready to start my hand-painted/refurbished furniture and home decor business. After stumbling upon "Blog Land" - a world I didn't even know existed - and "talking" to several of you wonderful ladies out there, I got up the nerve. There are so many awsome design blogs and incredibly talented people out there! If they can do it with kids in tow, so can I. I'd put all those skilled I've honed redoing every square inch of each house we've lived in to use! 

I've always been thrifty. I love "treasure hunting" as I tell my kids, and making something out of nothing. Even as a kid, I loved decorating and painting. I was always being pushed to excel with my art. Funny thing is, no one seemed to notice that "fine art" wasn't for me. I loved photography and pursued it with gusto in college. Those were the days of film. Yeah, I know. Old school. I spent hours in a dark room. Then came digital and it turned my world upside down! I have felt like I started all over again. I also discovered interior design. Unfortunately, I didn't find it until after getting a degree in marketing and graduate degree in graphic communications. But, God has a plan and those two degrees have become invaluable to me. I'm able to do a lot of stuff I would otherwise have to hire out (for now:). 

O.k. pause...I'm a nervous wreck as I realize I'm putting this out there for the world to see, so if I fail....?! Failure is not an option. If God leads the way, then I'm following without knowing what's on the other side. So, here's to jumping in:)

Champage taste on a beer budget. That's what I've always had and the ONLY way I was getting it was to learn to recreate or make my own, and it MUST look as good if not better. I'm a perfectionist and sometimes that is a pain. I can really make things look good, but at times I have to just say "enough" and stop because, as I've gotten older, I've realized MY idea of "done" is far beyond what most people would consider done.

So, I'm in the process if taking one of life's big leaps of faith. Putting myself out there and trusting the good Lord Jesus will lead the way if I keep my ears open.

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