
Sunday, March 20, 2011

And it begins....

Well, here goes. I have wanted to start a blog for what seems like an eternity, but now I can finally say I have. If by some miracle you land on this fledgling site and like what you see enough to hang around, you'll get to read about and watch me learn the ropes. I can tell you now, there will be MANY changes as I get a feel for what I'm doing.

I feel so old right now. Seems like just yesterday I was on top of the computer/graphic design game and teaching those programs to others. Now...? Amazing what happens when you take time off to have a family! I turned around, changed some diapers, washed a million loads of laundry, heated bottles and suddenly I no longer have a clue what I what I am doing when it comes to blog land and websites. Word to the wise...if you got it now, stay with it. Take a brake like I did and you'll be starting all over again:) I now have great empathy for the older generations who feel so completely lost in this technical world we live in.

The eyes are heavy from sitting here trying to figure out how to set up all this blog stuff so I'm hitting the hay. Tomorrow I'll be getting to the meaning behind my title and the real reason for this blog. Until then....


  1. Horay~~
    I finished reading all your blog and arrived here.
    Great blog.

    from downunder.

  2. Thank you, Julie! I've discovered a new love in my life with this blogging thing:) So, glad you like it. That's tremendous encouragement for a mom trying to get back into the game!


One of the highlights of each day is hearing from my readers!