
Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer Goodness

Summer Bounty 2009
 I love spring and summer! It's not because it's a time of accomplishing a ton in the redo department. It's because I no longer fight that stuck in a cave feeling I have all winter. In spring, everything seems bursting with life and in the summer the gardens in full swing and the food is out of this world
(not because I cooked it!).

My garden is swamping me now with yellow squash and zucchini. I've got a mountain piling up on the kitchen island that I have got to find time to slice up and freeze. I usually put up just enough to make it through to next summer.

Summer Bounty 2010
Giant zucchini and crooked-neck yellow squash!
Summer 2010 

My garden isn't big. It's a circle about 25 ft. in diameter, but MAN....can it pump out some veggies! The tomatoes are my favorite part and there are a ton of big green ones out there right now. I can't wait for them to start coming in.

My little helper getting the garden ready to plant this past spring.

This is what it looks like now! Overflowing!

Ignore the uncut grass. Hubby has tried to get it cut for three days and all it does is rain right after he starts:(

Almost ready! Good for some fried green tomatoes. YUM!

My little surprise. These apparently grew from the compost I put in that had last year's ornamental pumpkins remains!:)
It's really rather funny that I love gardening. Growing up, it was nothing short of pure torture when my mom would send me to the garden. Guess she planted more than just seeds by making me spend summers shucking corn, hulling peas, snapping green beans and pulling weeds:)

My herb garden this year.
 I also planted an herb garden this year. I always grow basil, but this year I added rosemary, dill, two types of lavender, Stella de Oro lilies, moss rose, and citronella plants for those pesky little mosquitoes. I have yet to figure out why God chose to bless this earth with their presence!

Sweet Basil - my favorite!
My family loves when the basil and tomatoes come in because I fix these fantastic little brushetta flat breads. I'm not a great cook, but this is one of my best recipes. I'll share it as soon as the tomatoes come in and I can post the pictures to go with it.

One of the other things that we love every summer is our little hummingbirds that come back year after year and all the other little critters we get to watch from the breakfast table.

Our little hummingbird friend.

Summertime is just the best, especially if you're a kid. Here's to lazy days off from school, sleeping late, playing in sprinklers, swimming, flip-flops, no layers of clothing, fresh food, beautiful gardens, and all God's prescious creatures!


  1. What beautiful summer pictures! I love the pics of fresh veggies...and I had to work in the garden when I was a kid too and I hated it! Now it is pure joy! Amazing what age does to one, isn't it? xo Diana


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