
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ya'll ready for this? (dun dundah dun dun dah...)

O.k. maybe that's a poor typing rendition of that song they always play at sports events,
but it's what came to mind:)

I just need to say....I needed a day yesterday to process things. I was planning to post and was so emotionally & physically drained I just hit the hay instead. It was the most awesome day. Wanna know why?
Well, hold your horses. I'm gonna make you wait a minute (and look at some pictures!).
See this?

See how rough it looks? (Diamond in the rough, that is!)

REALLY rough ...even jelly or some nastiness was on it. See that red glob on the left of the skirt?

See these chairs with their ugly old orange stain and seriously dated seats
(which had just a tiny bit of batting on them...that's it! Hard as rocks.)?

And lastly, see these broken coffee table legs that I forgot to get a picture of before priming and gluing?
(Like my sophisticated way of "clamping" while gluing? That's what those white strips of fabric are!)

They The Lord Jesus made me very, VERY happy yesterday!

After lucking out  being blessed and finding the BERNHART solid wood table and coffee table legs for hardly anything at my favorite thirft store, I got busy hunting for some chairs to match. A sweet man up the road here has a little antique refinishing business he's set up in an old building he owns (no nice - albeit, almost literally!). I drove past one day and saw the chairs sitting out front, stopped and took them home when he offered a good price.

After having EVERYTHING that could possibly go wrong happen while redoing them, I ended up with a pretty little French Provencial/French Country set I was tempted to keep if I didn't have boys:) I could just picture what it would look like in a matter of days with them sitting on the chairs!

I'm not joking when I say everything went wrong. I began hand sanding (because I didn't have an electric yet) and did it until I got rid of the deep gouges (so I thought). I stained the top only to find out one of my little helpers had apparently taken the low grit paper and "helped" making deep scratches that showed up AFTER staining. This was after priming with the wrong primer (like an idiot I listened to the guy at the paint counter who told me the latex primer would stick...I knew better but was too flustered with kids to think straight or question).

I think each chair has about 6 layers of paint now all put on with a tiny little fan brush! If I wasn't so stubborn and hard headed, they'd have been in the trash because that was only the tip of the iceburg with all that went wrong! But for some reason (thank you, Jesus) I hung in and came out with this:

The top just glows!

Like my fabrics? I'm in love. I got them in the remnants of my favorite fabric warehouse...
my cheap burlap supplier:)

I also loved distressing. I had a hard time bringing myself to "ruin" such a painstaking paint job, but it turned out wonderful, if I do say so myself.

The seats are now quite fluffy and SOFT!

If only my back looked this good!

O.k. Wanna know why I was so happy? Two things happened yesterday. 

First, I opened a booth at my favorite upscale consignment/antique store here in town called Remnants! Yippee! This is a HUGE step for me and scarey beyond words because being the thrifty gal I am, I worried sick about spending money on rent. What if I didn't have any sales? But, after talking to Barb at Knack and Marian at Miss Mustard Seed, I was reassured (awesome ladys - check out their blogs). As I was walking out after taking my above table set in and sticking it in a corner until I could get back to stage my booth, I was praying something like this:
"Dear Lord Jesus, you know how nerve wracking this is for me. I am literally shaking from the stress and fear of failure. But, I am certain this is what you want me to do. You gave me a talent that I don't want to neglect and I'm now at a point I can do something with it. It brings me such joy (which I know brings you joy) to have a creative outlet like this. I've seen you open my eyes to opportunities, doors to put my work out there, and windows of wonderfully helpful people pointing me in this direction. Even though I'm shaking in my boots because I'm stepping out on faith that I've heard you right - not playing it safe - I pray that you'll give me and my husband some kind of confirmation that I am doing the right thing. Amen"

Now comes the second thing that happened: I got a call less than an hour later before I could even get back to my booth, from the guy who runs it saying,
"Are you sitting down?"
My heart started pounding...
"You're KIDDING!"
"Nope. Right after you walked out a couple walked in and bought the set!"
Imagine me passing out.
"Just had to call and tell you!"

I was so excited I jumped up and down. Thank you Jesus, Thank you! Talk about not only answering a prayer, but doing so with a bang!

Have you seen him work in your life lately? Notice I didn't ask if He did, I ask if you saw it.

Miss Bee
 I'm linking up to:

I saw some gorgeous and creative stuff over there. Go look!


  1. That is wonderful. That set is gorgeous so I am not surprised at all that it sold quickly, of course that was really really quick! The chalk paint is wonderful for old looking finishes to be achieved. It has to be waxed for it to work and look correctly.

  2. That turned out so beautiful! I'm so jealous of the couple who bought it, but congratulations on such a quick sale. Love that fabric! A good lesson to never pass up the remnant bin! : )

  3. Hi there! I just found your blog and wanted to let you know that not only is this set you transformed absolutely GORGEOUS, but you write your posts in such a lovely-feel like I already know ya-kind of way! :-) How exciting to have such clear affirmation from the Lord that you were taking the right steps and I will look forward to seeing what else He has in store for you and what you have in store for us! :-)
    P.S. My sister and I share a blog and host a linky party every week called Inspiration Friday. We would love to have you join in the fun sometime! :-)

  4. The table and chairs turned out beautifully...congrats on the fast sale...God is good!

  5. Wow love the transformation its an amazing differnce I love what you have done with it a dining set to be very proud of. I love the fabric its utterly gorgeous. I am your new follower glad I found you via Savvy southern style

  6. Good for you girl!!! That was really a labor of love!!! The set turned out just beautiful, and I love the fabric, nice job!!! Yes, it is scarey to step out like that and take a chance, fear of failure is a big thing....but ya gotta try!!! best to you....cleo

  7. I just came over from Kim's. You did a fab job on the set, and PTL, a quick sale! I'll be back to follow when the linkys are working again. Come visit when you can, I have a Friday party, Vintage Inspiration Friday, I'd love you to join in!

  8. It's so wonderful when we actually open our eyes and see Jesus' love for us! Your dining set transformation is beyond wonderful!! I love the bird fabric and think it was the perfect choice. That couple that bought it are lucky to have such a unique, gorgeous, piece in their home!

  9. Beautiful! Just saw that Kim featured this on Savvy Southern Style and had to come check it out! Congrats on being featured, congrats on a quick first sale. You did an amazing job!


  10. Absolutely gorgeous makeover!! I love it!

  11. What a gorgeous job you did on this set. And, don't you love it when your prayers are answered with a "bang"! Wonderful! Looking forward to seeing more of what you do.

  12. Just gorgeous....just saw you on Savvy Southern Style and had to see the finished product for myself. And congrats on the sale!
    Marianne :)

  13. Congratulations on a quick sale. That set turned out so beautiful. I know the people who bought are beyond excited.

  14. Congratulations! Both on a great job and selling it!!! I am a new follower! Come visit me sometime!

  15. Oh I DO LOVE how you post, and your work. I love how clearly you give God the glory! God is good! And your table and chairs are stunning, it is no wonder that they sold so quickly!

  16. What a gorgeous job you did.And such a moving post, thank you for sharing.

  17. That is so awesome...fantastic wonder it SOLD so quickly...and yes God works great things in all our lives daily...we should keep our eyes open and watch out for his wonderous works. Great post, thanks for sharing, and congratulations!

  18. Found you over at Kim's blog what a great job you did It's just amazes me that paint and fabric can turn ugly to just beautiful... Love it... Your newest follower.

    The Shabby Chick

  19. Can you tell me what color the paint is that you used? I am in the middle of a project very similar to this and we are wondering what color to use and I love the warmth of this.
    Blessings to you and yours
    Curtis & Sherrie

  20. AMAZING !! You did an absolutely fabulous job transforming this set !! I'm extremely impressed. May I ask what type of wax or poly you used? I just painted my dining room chairs, and I want to distress them a bit ... just not sure which to use to seal it all. Thanks so much! *Becca* (your newest follower)

  21. Wow, this is the best transformation I have seen in a long time. It's so beautiful...had great lines before but the cream on the top is the upholstery. A++++++++++++++++

  22. Awesome, Fabulous, Amazing Makeover. That set is ADORABLE, no wonder someone walked right in and bought it! Just found your blog, and i'm so glad i did. Good for you for being brave, and following your dream, doing what makes you shine!


  23. Honey, I just have to say, if I had seen that set I would have snatched it up as fast as can be!!!!!!!!!!!! It is STUNNING! I adore that fabric, it totally MAKES it! What state are you in???? I may live close by and could come to your booth!!!!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  24. I've been wanting to learn how to refinish furniture. I enjoy seeing furniture pieces that have become married to each other due to someone creative
    ( you) who gives them new life. Hugs....
    Maryjane from Storybook Cottage

  25. This is gorgeous! I found you from WOW, and had to come to the link because I am currently stripping a similar dining set that someone so tragically painted over with forest green paint. It's been a nightmare so far, but I can only dream and hope that mine will turn out as gorgeous as yours!

    I would love it if you'd come and check mine out, as well as the giveaway I'm hosting this week for darling hair accessories.



  26. This is absolutely one beautiful transformation! Love the fabric as well.

  27. Beautiful work and yes, prayer does work! Praise the Lord!

  28. thats a great table!! awesome job on the "bench"!! love the fabrics too!!

  29. Stunning! I'm loving that fabric. I have a similar dining suite which I was intending to paint all white, but I love the dark top on yours and I think I'm going to go with that. I also just finished a coffee table turned bench like yours. The fabric's not as nice as yours though. Awesome job and congratulations on the quick sale! :)

  30. OH Honey!!! That is awesome. And the table is nice too. Ha!! No, the set is absolutely unbelievable and I dearly wish I had one just like it. God is so good isn't He?
    Thanks for sharing!

  31. Truly gorgeous! All of your hard work really paid off. I totally understand all of your feelings, congrats on a quick sale!

  32. Found you throw Better After. Ummm... WOW! I have a very similar table and chair set from my hubby's grandmother. I've been dreaming of something exactly like what you did. Now I can show hubs your pics and he'll be on board! Could you give me some tips on how to make the chairs have more batting? I'm sure it's simple, but seems like you did more than add another layer of foam! julieorris[at]yahoo[dot]come

  33. Beautiful set....and congrats.

  34. I just saw your makeover on Better After. What a fantastic transformation. It is stunning!

  35. Beautiful job. Love your creativity. I just signed a lease for a booth and will move in the end of May. I so get the step of faith and pray I have receive the same type of confirmation. Blessings to you in your new journey. It is a wonderful feeling to expand on what God has already created in us.

  36. This looks amazing and great job on selling it so fast! Your booth will do great! No worries!

    I would like to know what paints you used. I have been wanting to paint our dining room set for a few years now but I have no idea what kind of paint to use. Also how to distress it. Thanks!

  37. Michelle - Thank you! I posted a tutorial on how to get the look I did on this table set and the French Provencial Sideboard Redo. Hope it helps! Send pics of any jobs using it so I can admire them as well:)

  38. This is a fantastic job. I've just done such a similar table (no chairs)
    and I've also recently opened a booth at my local antiques centre. we're on such simlar paths!
    hope you're having a lovely easter
    cheers Fiona

  39. Congrats on your booth. Your table looked great. I, too, recently opened a booth. I'm finding it challenging to gather items and work on them while being a stay at home mom. Do you feel that too?

  40. Love the rustic stained top with the paint. So pretty!

  41. love the result, you did a great job on the table and chairs, love the fabric you chose, the color you used, well done!

    Im following you from the homemakeronadime creative bloggers' party and Hop!

    Susan @

  42. So gorgeous. Really must have hurt to hand it over to someone else, but at least you know you do awesome work!

  43. I just found your blog and seeing you featured at Centsational Girl. I must say you are incredibly talented. The dining set came out amazing. The fabric is really gorgeous. I love how you asked for a sign and you were given such a clear sign. That's wonderful. You definitely have a calling...your work is stunning. I am your latest follower. I hope you will drop by and check out my blog when you get a chance.

  44. Very beautiful! Great job! Really appreciate you sharing this great post with us at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop.

  45. Can you please tell us more about the fabric you used on the chairs? I know you found it as a remnant. Any more info on the brand, etc.?

  46. Tori -
    I know Ballard Catalog carries the bird fabric. I have found many of the remnants that I buy can also be found there if more is needed. As far as the chenille, I have no idea, but I'm keeping my eyes open.

    1. Lovely! I have an almost exact table with only three chairs that was left when we purchased our first home. We have since moved and we still use it as our dining table. We recently remodeled our kitchen, and I would love to transform our set into the lovely creation that you did. Do you think thatthe color stain you used for the table top would go with black legs? What would I use to refinish the top since we do use this as our everyday dining table and I have 3 little kiddos running around? Thank you for sharing! You have inspired me!
      My name is Marybeth and my email address is

  47. Gorgeous! Did you already know how to do the reupholstery? Or is it a 'learn as you go' approach?

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  80. I have the same set I want to paint!!! I can hardly believe I came across this! You did such a beautiful job... and I will be the same way with the distressing, but I agree it looks great. I would love to know the color and brand you used for the stain and paint. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


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One of the highlights of each day is hearing from my readers!