
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Oh, how I love me some burlap!

Thank you to Kate at Centsational Girl for whatever you did that put my name out there! I think I actually have a follower or two now. EEEK! I'm a real blogger.

*Imagine a funny happy face or some goofy graphic here....I am too tired to hunt for one tonight.*

I'm excited! Donna over at Funky Junk Interiors is doing her SNS linky party and I'm going to try my first link-up! Who knows what'll happen. It's only taken me TWO HOURS to get a stupid watermark on my pictures, so it should go smoothly...right? Sure.

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

(p.s. this is my first time trying to make a link, so if doesn't work...bear with me).
Until tomorrow,

O.k. I love some burlap. I am one of those people who love to mix things up. I love old and new, modern and vintage, country and industrial, etc. I think I'm what's called "Eclectic", or as hubby would say, "a design mut". I guess that's a good thing if you think about if from the Natural Selection viewpoint:) You know, only the strong survive! Right. Get back with me in a year and see if I made it over this learning curve I'm on or not.

Anyway, I digress. Burlap. Love it. I tried a long time ago to make valances with it and tossed it out. Not good for tailored stuff. But, if you like it a little loosened up, it's awesome. I recently got an itch to do something crazy - because I never do anything like that (wink, wink). I REALLY wanted grass cloth wallpaper in my powder room, but just couldn't afford it. So, I thought I might do a faux paint treatment.

Then, then it hit me...BURLAP! It's got the natural color I want, the texture, and it's cheap (natural burlap/ 20yds for $20). Why not? So, I got out the iron (didn't do much good...FYI), the staple gun, scissors and found some twill ribbon to match. I didn't want to use wallpaper paste because I change my mind too much. Can you imagine trying to get all that fiber off the walls? UGH! So, I just pulled it tight in the middles and stapled out. I didn't prime, paint or anything. Just stuck it up there and hot glued (lightly) the twill over the staples, seems and edges. This is what I came out with!

You should have seen the hubby's face when I got too excited and decided to work while he was at home(he was just on the other side of this wall in the master bath)! I rarely work while he's here to save both our nerves:) I'm not quite sure how he thought I was hanging it, but I can assure you he hadn't thought of a
staple gun.

I still gotta figure out how I can get those stubborn wrinkles out. Steaming makes it stretch (not good) and misting darkens the color where it's applied. Maybe I should just mist the whole thing...and let my guests smell wet burlap! It does lose the odor, in case your wondering.

Like my stick mirror? That's for another post. This one's taken me, oh....let's see...about 3 hours with 50 million interruptions from kids, dog, and hubby!

Miss Bee
(Gotta get me one of them thar fancy signatures - wonder how long that'll take!)


  1. LOVE the burlap on the walls. What a super idea and it isn't that cheap here. I wish. For a tip, since you asked, the link button you put in a separate post should be put in this post so people will know what you are linked to. You can edit your posts any time after they are posted. Just go into edit and put in or change anything in the post and then hit publish again. It won't change the original time it was posted. Thanks so much for coming by. I hope you will join my weekly wow us Wednesdays party, too. This really is a wow. Love to have you.

  2. Also you don't need word verification on. I would go in your settings and check the box that says no.

  3. how cool is this! i love love love burlap, and never thought of using it on walls! so many ideas brewing now! thanks!

  4. I bet the steam from a few hot showers will take care of the wrinkles for you. Maybe! It looks very cool.


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